How to Register on Amazon as a Seller in India?
4 mins read

How to Register on Amazon as a Seller in India?

Amazon is without uncertainty the universes greatest retail online ecommerce marketplace and it is additionally India’s greatest as far as a huge number of clients, north of 10 lakhs merchants and the broadest item range with conveyance to most useful pin codes across India.

Amazon is a worldwide commercial center and offers a brilliant chance for laid out as well as new merchants to get on the Top. along these lines, figure out How To Sell Items On Amazon – Full Aide For Novices and begin selling now and create gains.

With only one simple task of enrolling as a dealer on Amazon you can kick off your business. We tell you the best way to enlist on Amazon, additionally we give Amazon vender account the executives administrations and item posting administrations so assuming that you are keen on selling on the web we can assist you with developing your business Around the world.

We provide Amazon seller account management servicesAmazon product listing services, brand store creation, Boost sales, registration, brand approval, promotion and advertisement etc. For more details Register Now…!!!

About Amazon Seller Registration

To sell across India on Amazons stage you really do have to enroll as a merchant on Amazon India gateway. You can begin another business online on Amazon, or get your current business on to the Amazon commercial center by following the straightforward Amazon dealer enrollment process.

Why Is It Valuable To Enroll A Business With Amazon?

Here are apt motivations to take your business online on the Amazon India marketplace:

  • Admittance to a large number of purchasers across India, meaning quick development
  • Conveyance to useful pin codes across India utilizing Amazons transporting administrations and FBA
  • Reliable installments at regular intervals
  • Full advertising and limited time support on Amazon

Substances Qualified For Amazon Seller Registration:

The accompanying substances are qualified to enlist as a vender on Amazon:

  • Sole ownership show to a person
  • An organization firm enrolled under the Indian Association Act 1932.
  • A restricted obligation organization firm enlisted under the LLP Act, 2008
  • Any open or confidential restricted organization enrolled under the Organizations Act, 2013
  • Archives Expected For Amazon Dealer Enlistment

Documents Required For Amazon Seller Registration:

The set of Amazon seller registration required documents is given below:

  • Copy of PAN card of sole proprietor or the partnership or company
  • Address proof of business place from where products will be shipped
  • A copy of your current accounts cancelled cheque showing bank account number and account type with the account holders name and IFSC code
  • Copy of GST registration certificate. You must have GST if you wish to sell taxable products. If you are selling GST exempted products then you can carry out Amazon seller registration without GST.
  • You must furnish valid email and mobile phone, both of which must be verified

Process “On the best way to Enroll as Merchant on Amazon?

This is the manner by which to enroll on Amazon as a vendor:

Set up your record on Amazon vender focal entryway utilizing your email and secret word
Sign in to Amazon vender focal and begin the Amazon dealer enlistment process. There are no Amazon vender enrollment expenses to be paid-it is free. You will get OTP to continue.
As you fill in the structure to make your dealer profile, you should transfer your Container, Aadhar, GST endorsement and duplicate of dropped check and bank articulation.

Amazon will check and confirm your subtleties and afterward their agent will take the interaction forward.
You will get an affirmation of your progress in enrolling as a merchant on Amazon and you will get endorsement of your Amazon dealer record and Amazon vender login subtleties.

A Significant Highlight Remember At the Subsequent Stage:

The following second stage is urgent since you will make your item inventory and transferring item posting. Remember these.

  • Estimating at which to list your item – counsel BizMart Commerce to know Amazon dealer expenses, market contenders’ costs and overall revenues.
  • Posting your item in the right class
  • Making the right title with the utilization of the right, investigated catchphrases and illustrative substance integrating explored watchwords
  • Magnificent item photography from various points


You can be expert of your fate and develop quickly once you register as a merchant on Amazon and offer to purchasers across India. It is the brilliant thing to do to take your business online on a notable internet based commercial center like Amazon.

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